Motorbike/Cycle Accident Claims

Cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road to injury when an accident happens. The scenarios we at TEN Legal Solicitors are frequently faced with in these types of claim include claims against other road users, claims against uninsured or untraced third parties and claims against the relevant Highway Authority for defective road conditions.

The injuries resulting from these claims can range from minor cuts and bruises, to life changing and it is therefore vital to ensure you obtain expert advice from a motorbike or cycle injury solicitor.

Motorcycle accidents account for nearly 20% of serious injuries and fatalities sustained on UK roads – even though less than 1% of vehicles are motorbikes/cycles. 281 motorcyclist were killed in 2016 and a further 4,239 were seriously injured.

Cycling Accident
Motorcycle on the Floor

Even though the statistics for 2016 are a big improvement on 2008 figures (493 fatalities and 5,556 serious injuries), motorcyclists and cyclists are still more exposed to the negligence or recklessness of other road users than vehicle drivers are.

The vast majority of cyclists ride with due care and attention and it is estimated that car drivers are to blame for approximately 2 in every 3 accidents.

If you’ve been involved in a motorbike or bicycle accident then give our experts a call on 0161 402 0213.


If you require any further assistance from a legal representative, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0161 402 0213, email contact us online.


0161 402 0213