Cosmetic Surgery Compensation

Injury as a result of negligence while having a cosmetic procedure

Cosmestic surgery is now very popular in the UK – and completely safe in the vast majority of instances. But there are occasions when mistakes are made that could have been avoided, due to the negligence of the medical professionals carrying out the procedure.

Compensation following a cosmetic procedure can be due to a number of different reasons

  • Surgical error – When a mistake was made while undergoing the procedure that has left you with an infection, injury or scarring.
  • Failure to take full medical history – A full medical history must be obtained in order to ensure that any medication prescribed does not negatively impact or interfere with any pre-existing conditions. If this is not done, and you experience an adverse affect as a result you may be entitled to claim compensation
  • Risks not properly explained – When undertaking any surgical procedure, you should be made fully aware of any risks or potential side effects to enable you to make an informed choice whether to proceed.
  • Damaged Implants – There are instances where damaged or faulty implants have been inserted into a patient.
  • Faulty equipment – Equipment and products used must be in proper working order and must not be broken, faulty or expired.
  • Infection – Infection can occur from a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures. If this does occur, you may be eligible for compensation.
medical and clinical negligence claims

We can help you get the compensation you deserve, to rebuild your life

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Cosmetic surgery compensation

How do I make a claim for Cosmetic Surgery Compensation?

Our Medical Negligence department here at TEN Legal have vast experience in making successful claims for compensation following Cosmetic Surgery.

If you think that you may be eligible to make a claim, please get in touch with us for a free no obligation chat where we can advise the next steps. If you have the basis for a claim, our team can handle your case for you and support you every step of the way.


If you require any further assistance from a legal representative, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0161 402 0213, email contact us online.


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