Professional Negligence Claims

Claims for losses against a professional

At TEN Legal Solicitors, we have dedicated experts dealing with claims arising from the negligence of professionals where that negligence has given rise to financial loss.

Work Undertaken

We deal with a wide range of claims resulting from professional negligence, but have particular expertise with claims arising from services provided by:

  • Solicitors
  • Barristers
  • Accountants
  • Financial Practitioners
  • Surveyors
  • Construction Professionals
  • Insurance Brokers
Hearing loss compensation

Contact TEN Legal if you would like to discuss a Professional Negligence claim

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Hearing loss due to noisy workplace

We have previously successfully handled claims and secured compensation for clients where:

  • Surveyors have failed to properly carry out a client’s mortgage valuation survey missing massive subsidence leading to the property in question being condemned
  • Accountants have failed to correctly draw up accounts or to file them in time leading to financial losses by the business concerned and penalties by the Inland Revenue
  • Solicitors dealing with the purchase of our client’s property have failed to secure appropriate rights of way or to advise in relation to the position of for example public footpaths

If you feel a professional has let you down, get in touch for expert advice.


If you require any further assistance from a legal representative, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0161 402 0213, email contact us online.


0161 402 0213